
We are keen about presenting the most recent updates about your favourite characters and anime, but here are a few things to be read before using the site

Information Accuracy

Although we make every effort to present information that is accurate and up to date, it is important to note that in certain cases, the updates might be inaccurate. We can’t guarantee that all of the information is accurate, even though we check the facts to the best of our abilities.

External Sources

To provide some updates, we provide links to external sources. These websites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for their content or their privacy policies.

Opinions and Predictions

There is a possibility that some of our articles will include our personal opinions and some guesswork about upcoming releases or character developments. No conclusions should be drawn from them and official sources should be referred.

User-Generated Content

On the blogs, comments and discussions are usually encouraged.  You are responsible for the content you submit and agree not to post anything unlawful, harmful and offensive.